Monday, 7 October 2013

Raspberry Jam Event

NULC is holding it's first Raspberry Jam, but what exactly is a Raspberry Jam?

Raspberry Jam's are events set up to allow people of all ages and abilities to come together and share knowledge and ideas related to the use of the new mini-computer, the Raspberry Pi.

What’s a Raspberry Pi?

The Raspberry Pi is a credit-card sized computer that plugs into your TV and a keyboard. It’s a capable little PC which can be used for many of the things that your desktop PC does, like spreadsheets, word-processing and games. It also plays high-definition video.

Who can attend the NULC Raspberry Jam?

There are sessions for beginners as well as opportunities to share projects and ideas related to computing using the Raspberry Pi mini-computer. As with all the other Raspberry Jam events, we welcome people of all ages, backgrounds and experience; mums and sons, dads and daughters, teachers, developers and enthusiasts. Of course, we particularly want children to attend, so this will be a ‘family-friendly’ event.

What will I learn at the NULC Raspberry Jam?

Attending a Raspberry Jam allows you the opportunity to learn more about the Raspberry Pi mini-computer as well as share ideas and projects you have been working on. In essence, it is all about learning new skills and sharing your enthusiasm and ideas with others.

The skills and knowledge which can be gained through coming together to discuss Raspberry Pi can be used to help change your career, gain a better understanding of programming or help your children or friends/family to learn new computing skills.

You don’t need to have a Raspberry Pi to attend, just an interest in what you can do with it. Some people bring the Raspberry Pi and any projects along to show others, some come along to discover more about the Raspberry Pi computer.

The NULC Raspberry Jam will take place on Thursday  7 November 2013, from 6.00pm -9.00pm.  For more information or to book your place click here.

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